Calculation of Residuals with Respect to Monte Carlo Data, not Reference Modules


I am completely new to Corry and I wanted to ask if I could run a simulation with a single detector module in AllpixSquared and calculate the residuals via Corry, but needless to say, not with respect to any other reference module, but with respect to MC Data. Is this possible? I am asking because the CorryvreckanWriter in AllpixSquared requires a reference variable, which is expected to be the name of another module. I would really appreciate any guidance on this.

Thank you a lot in Advance,


Hi @Andy

unfortunately I don’t think this currentlly is possible out-of-the box. From Allpix Squared you can write out the MCParticle information also to Corry, but we’re currently lacking a module that would simply plot the MCParticle position vs. cluster position.

Having said that, it should be rather straightforward to build such a module. In AnalysisTelescope is some code which uses MCParticles, and for the rest you can probably take the code from Correlations.

As for the single detector, you can just mark the detector itself as reference for Corry to run.

Does this help as some starting point?

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Hi @simonspa

Thank you a lot for the reply. Yes, for sure, nothing is really urgent with this (already have my own macros that do this separately). I might attempt to build such a module in the future however! Just wanted to check if there was a straightforward way. Again, thank you a lot for the reply!

