Production of histograms from a new module file


I made a new module file to read out my dataset. I am trying to make it produce some histograms, and it is not working.
I correctly declared the histograms, defined them and filled them, but they’re not in my output file.
I think it is about some sort of deeper code in corry that I may not know.
Do you have any suggestions on steps to check?

Thank you!

Hi @esidoret

is your code anywhere to be looked at? No deeper implementation in Corry should be necessary than just declaring them in your module.


Hi @simonspa,
I uploaded my module on GitLab (it’s my first time using it so I hope it will be ok) so you can have a look.

Thank you!

Hi @esidoret

no worries, all right and I could access the code without any issue! :slight_smile:

It might be a ROOT trap you are experiencing. As far as I understand ROOT’s memory handling, once you open a new ROOT file, all newly generated objects are associated to this file and will be written there.

What might work is that you first book the histograms in your initialize() method and then open your own ROOT file?


That worked out!
Thank you so much!

Happy to hear! :slight_smile:
