Reading Corry Data from Root file for analysis

Dear corry experts,
I’m currently trying to analyse data produced by the corry FileWriter module as part of my master thesis. To read the Track information I have to include the track.hpp in my C file, however an error occurs, as my file does not know where to get the #include<Gblpoint.h> from the GblTrak.hpp. To be able to include it, it seems I have to access some General Broken Lines environment? Does anyone already tried to read in data from the FileWriter and knows something about it?

Thank you in advance for your help,

Dear @chkrause

would you mind providing the exact error and maybe the few lines around which trigger this?

If you have performed tracking using GBL as track model, it might be necessary to load the in addition to the which you should be loading already. Both are part of your Corryvreckan installation.

Best regards,

Hello Simon,
thank you for the answer. Until now I tried to just include the object header, which I did in Allpix. By loading the library directly , my problem was solved. Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Hi @chkrause

that’s good to hear. You always need the full library to be loaded because we store binary blobs of the C++ objects and need the library to interpret them again - at least everything that is not simple data members.

If you have an idea of how to include this in the documentation to make it more clear to new users, please let us know - or contribute with a merge request. :slight_smile:
