ROOT inpunt data

I’m trying to get Corryvreckan to work for my SRS.
My data are in .root form and I’m using a trigger-based detector, with external trigger.
I think I should get them in a .dat form to be read by some EventLoader (if you have suggestions about which one would be great) or maybe I have to build a new module to do it.
Anyways I can’t understand how the structure of my input should look like to get the Corryvreckan objects.

Can you please help me in some way?
Thank you

Hi @esidoret,

You do not need to convert your data to a .dat format. In principle you only need to write an EventLoader that converts your data into pixel information. You can use any of the EventLoader<XX> as an example. Please also note, that you have to define an Event before you can add pixel data to the clipboard.

Let me know if you need any additional information.


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…adding my reply from an e-mail:

Very likely you will have to prepare a dedicated EventLoader for your data format. How exactly is the data structured? The ROOT file will very likely be the best starting point since we are also using ROOT and can likely read it straight.

However, the Eventloader would still have to interpret the data. If you could provide me an example for along with a detailed description of how the data is structured (or even better: some code that reads or writes your data) I can give you more precise guidance.