Scintillating Fiber Detector Implementation


I am thinking of implementing a Scintillating Fiber Detector in the Corry framework, as I would like to use it for some beam tests together with pixel detectors.

The SciFi detector is a 3 x 30 cm (Y vs X) plane with SiPM array on the left and right of the scintillating strip

ps. The position of a particle along the Y plane is given using the segmented SiPMs and along the X plane using the time of arrival of photons at left - right. The figure attached should be self explanatory.

Basically, what I get from my detector is hits and timestamps in the left and right SiPMs. In corry, I should do some transformation between this information and the absolute position in X and Y. After I obtain these coordinates, I could simply treat the SciFI as any pixel detector.

Before starting the work, I was wondering if maybe there is already someone already working on such a detector type?

Thank you very much!

Hi @ramarine

to my knowledge there is no such work currently being done. This sounds quite interesting!

The path I would take is to implement an EventLoader module for your detector which reads the data, does the interpolation (you could also make it configurable e.g. for different fiber lengths) and then places pixels on the clipboard.

Best regards,